Precast Concrete Hollow-Core
A concrete lightweight with high structural efficiency!
Ideal for commercial, residential, office and parking structures, precast hollow-core concrete planks offer the benefits of low self-to-load bearing weight, speed of erection and good thermal insulation.
Accelerated curing systems by KRAFT CURING accelerate concrete hardening via vapor/steam or radiant heat ensuring consistent concrete temperatures and protecting against dry shrinkage cracking.
Products for Precast Concrete Hollow-Core
Kraft Curing
Radiant heat ensures constant temperatures without condensation and no interference of the production process.
Vapor Curing III
Controlled addition of heat and humidity for the accelerated curing of precast and prestress concrete products.
Supplementary Products for Precast Concrete Hollow-Core
Kraft Curing
Tarp Roller
A tarp cart on wheels or tracks and tarp roller cartridges provide an efficient, effective and durable solution to standard curing covers.