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Quality Control System

MATCH-CURE allows you to keep an eye on the quality of your concrete elements and make sure they reach the required degree of strength in order to allow for the earliest possible detensioning or demoulding.



  • Принцип действия 1


    TEST CYLINDERS filled with fresh concrete taken from the same batch used to produce the concrete element, are placed into the Match-Cure insulated enclosure. AutoCure® measures and controls the test cylinder temperature via a sensor and heater (optional cooler) in the enclosure inside the laboratory; accurately duplicating the temperature of the concrete element outside.

  • Принцип действия 2


    SENSORS – It is necessary to measure the temperature of the concrete or the concrete curing environment using temperature sensors. Also available are combination temperature sensors with equally important integrated relative humidity probes to measure the relative humidity of the concrete curing environment. We can provide these sensors wired or WIRELESS! Find more information on the sensors here: Datasheet Sensors

  • Принцип действия 3


    TEMPERATURE DATA from both the concrete element and the test cylinder is/are transmitted to the AutoCure® control system and compared to one another. If the temperature of the concrete elements is greater than that of the test cylinder, the heating system in the enclosure is activated in order to “match” the concrete element temperature.

  • Принцип действия 4


    EXHAUST VENTILATOR – Should the temperature of the concrete element fall below the temperature of the test cylinder (due to an abrupt decrease in the ambient temperature or as a result of the curing cover being blown away due to wind), an exhaust ventilator in the insulated match-cure enclosure is activated to reduce the temperature.

  • Принцип действия 5


    COOLING SYSTEM (optional) – In colder regions, where concrete elements may tend to have a lower temperature, an optional cooling system provides for a more controlled temperature reduction (down to 5°C or 40°F) in the enclosure. An unexpected cooling event may trigger an alarm, warning the user about the drop in temperature. This alarm is also available remotely (to a smart divide or PC) with the Access Anywhere option (see next function slide).

  • Принцип действия 6


    ACCESS ANYWHERE – Monitor the curing process conveniently and remotely: ACCESS ANYWHERE allows quality control/management personnel to remotely monitor the concrete curing process of both the concrete elements and the cylinder from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Принцип действия 7


    AUTOCURE® CONTROL – In addition to managing the operation of the Match-Cure system, AutoCure® may be used to control the operation of your Vapor Generator, ThermalCure® System, boiler or other heating source.

  • Принцип действия 8


    VAPORWARE V2® (optional) – For optimal control we recommend our compact VAPORWARE V2® quality management system, which measures, records, stores and prints all climatic curing data independently of a computer. The interface can be personalised by adding your own logo as well as the date, concrete batch number, element description and number, etc.!
    Datasheet VaporWare V2®

  • Принцип действия 9


    STORAGE RACKS for Match-Cure enclosures are also available.




Match-Cure Product Video

Find out How Match-Cure works!


Peace of Mind with Match-Cure Quality Control System

Measure, monitor, manage and verify the de-tensioning and demoulding strength of critical concrete elements with Match-Cure!


Michael Kraft Explains the Match-Cure Ovens!

ВАШИ преимущества



Peace of mind – know when your concrete has the strength to detention or demould without breakage – due to accuracy of the provided data


An accessible way of controlling concrete curing quality – overall quality is easier to check by way of the test cylinders


Temperature sensors can be either RTD probes or thermocouple wires for internal concrete temperature measurement in both cylinders and concrete elements


Accurate and remote temperature measurement and detection with wireless temperature sensors and transmitters with 5-year battery life


Precisely matched temperature with internal electric heater heating up to 160°F and optional cooler in Match Cure chamber cooling down to 40°F


Easy integration and optimal control with optional complementary quality management systems VaporWare V2, for data logging, and Access Anywhere, for remote access to your curing data


Works together with AutoCure® Control System via USB input signal from wireless receiver in order to adjust the temperature of the enclosure


Kraft Curing

Техника измерения и регулирования AutoCure®

Измерение температуры бетона и окружающей среды, сбор данных о твердении, автоматизация процесса твердения.

Убирающиеся тенты

Быстрое, простое и мобильное решение для твердения бетонных элементов на месте.


Контролируемая подача циркулирующего теплого воздуха. Особенно хорошо подходит для использования при высоких температурах.

Изолированные камеры твердения

Подходит для всех систем твердения. Снижение расходов может достигать 50 %.

Система Vapor III

Контролируемая подача тепла и влаги. Для преднапряженного бетона и бетонных элементов.

Tarp Roller

Система разматывания тентов. Колесно-рельсовая система обеспечивает скорость до 120 м всего за 15 минут.


Тепловое излучение обеспечивает постоянную температуру, не мешая процессу производства.



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«Тотальный контроль»

Access Anywhere обеспечивает мгновенный мобильный доступ для операторов систем выдержи бетона практически из любого места с возможностью выхода в Интернет, включая футбольное поле, бейсбольный стадион, баскетбольную или хоккейную арену, во...Подробнее



Match-Cure Datasheet

Match-Cure Datasheet



Mark Kraft

Andreas Zarbock

Северная Европа, Центральная Европа, Западная Европа, Юго-Восточная Европа

