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CLC Concrete

CLC Concrete



Foam concrete or lightweight porous concrete forms bubbles during hardening. It’s light weight yet high stability makes it ideal for use in flat roofs, as an intermediate layer in structures, as filler, or as a heat-insulating base layer.

KRAFT CURING curing systems improve the hardening process, produce tougher corners and edges, and guarantee quicker hardening.

Products for CLC Concrete

Kraft Curing

Vapor Curing I

Controlled addition of heat, humidity and carbon-dioxide for the accelerated curing of concrete block, block paving and cast stone products in insulated enclosures.

Supplementary Products for CLC Concrete

Kraft Curing

Insulated Curing Chambers

Suitable for all curing systems, insulated chambers reduce energy costs by 50% and prevent condensation.

Concrete Curing Tents

A quick, simple and reliable solution for covering precast concrete products during curing; either inside or outdoors.