Turn-Key Installation for a brand new Quadrix® System
Last week, Kraft Curing began another turn-key installation of a large project for a manufacturer of concrete hardscape products (pavers, curbs, and blocks) in Germany. A team, consisting of trained and experienced Kraft Curing fitters and mechanics, made their way to our client, who recently made the decision to upgrade the existing curing rack with a state-of-the-art curing package from Kraft Curing.
The upgrade consists of the complete insulation of the rack, transfer car, elevator and lowerator areas with high efficiency sandwich panels, the Quadrix® accelerated concrete curing system – providing 35°C (90°F) and 95% rH everywhere and every day in the chamber, an AutoCure® automatic environmental control system with multiple temperature and moisture sensors for +/- 1°C temperature control and +/- 3% humidity control, a complete air distribution system, heated entry and exit air curtains, lighting, and high performance air circulation ventilators in the transfer car area.
The object of the chamber upgrade is to increase production capacity by 50%, achieve more uniform color, harder corners and edges and reduce the curing duration. An added bonus is the ability to reduce cement use through the addition of heat for faster cement hydration and humidity for more complete cement hydration.
In the coming 4 weeks, the Kraft team will install the complete system with equipment commissioning to follow immediately after. Follow us through the project until completion und stay tuned for comments from the customer.
Our team began with installation of the insulated sandwich panels in the transfer car area – mounting the panels to the existing building steel structure. Various supports for ducts, lights and ventilators are installed as the panels are mounted. Much of the foaming, caulking and flashing work, although unseen, is extremely important for a condensation-free environment.
The second day saw members of our team install the vertical supports, required to raise the rack 500 mm (20”), in order to allow for the installation of the supply and return ducts within the chamber environment – eliminating the need for insulating these ducts. Simultaneously, other team members continued to install the insulation panels in the transfer car area while others, began installing the clamps and supports for the air supply and return duct in the rack.
The end of the week shows the progress made with the duct and the beginning of the first external insulated wall.
Follow the meticulous work our team is doing via daily updates on our Stories via Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn or visit us at kraftcuring.com to stay up to date and see what makes a curing system from Kraft Curing the best in the world.